Which is the best Washing Machines & Dryers in India? We try to find an answer here. Since you are looking for the best and the most popular Washing Machines & Dryers in Home & Kitchen and Large Appliances related products, we have prepared a list of the most popular Washing Machines & Dryers that people are shopping online in India.
Our top 10 Washing Machines & Dryers list will show you the details, features, specifications, ratings and latest reviews by customers online. The trusted positive reviews by online shoppers and high selling volumes have made these items the most popular. Since these products are high-rated with 4 to 5 Star Ratings, you can be assured of the quality you are buy online. You can buy these products at Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, Paytm Mall, Shopclues, HomeShop18 and more online shopping websites at best discounts and offers in India. We are here to help you make the smartest buying decision. Click here for the best offers and discounts on Washing Machines & Dryers at Amazon.in.
Top 10 Best Selling Washing Machines & Dryers In India
- Fully-automatic top load washing machine : Affordable with best wash quality with Hard Water Wash
- Capacity:7 kg (Suitable for Small to Medium sized family)
- Energy star rating 5 Star: Best in class efficiency
- Manufacturer Warranty :2 years on product, 5 years on motor
- Motor : 740 RPM ; Higher spin speed helps in faster drying
- 1-FoLdAbLe DeSiGn:-FoLdEd SiZe 12.6 x 12.3 x 12.3in, SmAlL LiGhT, EaSy To CaRrY AnD StOrE. CaN Be EaSiLy PuT SuItCaSe oR BaCkPaCk, AnD It CaN Be EaSiLy WaShEd WhIlE TrAvElInG.
- 2-NeWeSt DeSiN:-NeW OnE PiEcE RuBbEr MoLdInG, EaSy LeAk.
- 3-EaSy To UseE:-OneE BuTtOn CoNtRoL ThE WaShInG MaChInE, EaSy To UsE, ToUcH ThE BuTtOn TwO SeCoNdS To StArT ThE WaShInG MaChInE.It CaN AlSo Be UsEd To ClEaN FrUiT.ThE SmArT ToUcH ScReEn DeSiGn AlLoWs YoU To FrEeLy ChOoSe ThE TiMe YoU WaNt, AnD ThE OpErAtIoN Is SiMpLe AnD CoNvEnIeNt FoR ThE ElDerLy AnD ChIlDrEn
- 4-PoRtAbLe UlTrAsOnIc WaShInG MaChInE:-UlTrAsOnIc FoRwArD ReVeRsE PuLsAtO, BiOnIc HaNd WaShInG, No DaMaGe To ClOtHeS, TwO WaY PoWeR To EaSiLy ReMoVe StAiNs, SuItAbLe FoR BaBy ClOtHeS AnD UnDeRwEaR.
- 5-WiDeLy UsE:-ThIs MiNi WaShInG MaChInE MaDe Of EnViRoNmEnTaLlY FrIeNdLy AbS AnD TpR MaTeRiAlS.CaN CaRrY 11l WaTeR ClOtHiNg WeIgHt.EfFeCtIvElY ReMoVe DiRt,AnD MaKe YoUr ClOtHeS ClEaN.ThE WaShInG MaChInE Is EsPeCiAlLy GoOd FoR WaShInG BaBy ClOtHeS, UnDeRwEaR, ToWeLs, SoCkS, ToYs Or OtHeR SmAlL ItEmS.
- Semi-automatic washing Machine with Rat Away Feature: Economical, Low water and energy consumption, involves manual effort; Has both washing and drying functions
- Capacity 7 kg (wash): Suitable for 3 – 4 members | Spin Tub Capacity: 5.5 Kg
- Energy Rating: 5 Star - best in class efficiency; Energy consumption – 0.0105 KWh/kg/cycle & Water Consumption: 17.72 L/Kg/Cycle (Please refer to BEE label for more information)
- Manufacturer Warranty: 2 Years Comprehensive & 5 years on Motor T&C
- 1300 RPM: higher spin speeds helps in faster drying
- Dryer Only: Specialized Dryer With Better Drying As Compared To Front Load Washing Machines; No Washing Function
- Capacity: 5.5 Kg; Suitable For Small Families
- Energy Star Rating : 5 Star- Best In Class Efficiency
- Manufacturer Warranty: Protection - 4 Years Complete Machine Warranty + 10 Years Spare Part Support. Any Washer Installed From 15Th June 2021 Onwards Will Have 10 Years Motor Warranty
- Drying Efficiency: 100% Dryness And Drying Type For Different Fabric Types Like Wool, Silk, And Delicate Items Without Damaging Them; Ready To Wear Directly Without Further Ironing
- Washer Dryers: Premium washing machine with best-in-class drying which is better than dryer of front-loader
- Capacity: 9 KG (Wash) & 5 KG (Dry): Suitable for large families
- Artificial Intelligence Direct Drive: It detects not only the weight, but also senses softness of fabric, and it choose he optimal motions for the fabric by itself
- Manufacturer Warranty: 2 Years Comprehensive on Product & 10 years on Motor (T&C)
- 1200 RPM: Higher spin speeds helps in faster drying | Washer and Dryer in One - Save space in your home and make more room for your family
- Fully-automatic front load washing machine: Best Wash Quality, Energy and Water efficient
- Capacity 9 kg: Suitable for large families | Water Pressure: (50-800 KPa) | Water Consumption : Refer to BEE label
- Energy Star rating : 5 Star | Digital Inverter for energy savings | Energy Consumption : Refer to BEE label
- Manufacturer Warranty: 2 Years comprehensive on product, 20 Years on Digital Inverter
- Motor: 1400 RPM: Higher spin speeds helps in faster wash and drying. With its high speed and efficiency, it's perfect for busy households or those who want to get laundry done quickly and effectively
- Wash & Dry, Hygiene care,
- Capacity:10.5 kg
- Manufacturer Warranty :2 year manufacturer
- Wash Programs: Wash & Dry, Hygiene care,
- Drum / Pulsator type & Body material:Steel
- Fully-automatic top load washing machine: Affordable with great wash quality, Easy to use
- Capacity 7 kg: Suitable for 3 – 4 members | Water Pressure: (0.01-0.78 Mpa(01-8.0kg.f/cm²) | Water Consumption : Refer to BEE label
- Energy Star rating : 3 Star- energy efficiency | Energy Consumption : Refer to BEE label
- Manufacturer Warranty: 2 Years comprehensive on product
- Motor: 680 RPM: Higher spin speeds helps in faster wash and drying. With its high speed and efficiency, it's perfect for busy households or those who want to get laundry done quickly and effectively
- Fully-automatic front load washing machine: Best Wash Quality, Energy and Water efficient
- Capacity 8 kg: Suitable for large families | Water Pressure: (50-800 KPa) | Water Consumption : Refer to BEE label
- Energy Star rating : 5 Star | Digital Inverter for energy savings | Energy Consumption : Refer to BEE label
- Manufacturer Warranty: 2 Years comprehensive on product, 20 Years on Digital Inverter
- Motor: 1400 RPM: Higher spin speeds helps in faster wash and drying. With its high speed and efficiency, it's perfect for busy households or those who want to get laundry done quickly and effectively
- Fully-automatic front load washing machine: Affordable with great wash quality, Easy to use
- Capacity 8 kg: Suitable for large families
- Energy Rating: 5 Star - Best in class efficiency, ensuring reduced electricity consumption
- Warranty : 2 Years warranty on Product, 12 Years warranty on Motor
- 1400 RPM : Higher spin speed helps in better water extraction from the clothes during the spin cycle, resulting in faster drying