Top 10 Best Camera Remote Controls in India – Features & Reviews

List of the most popular and best-selling Camera Remote Controls that customers are shopping online in India with latest ratings and reviews

Which are the best Camera Remote Controls in India? We try to find an answer here. Since you are looking to buy the best and the most popular Camera Remote Controls in Accessories, Cameras & Photography and Electronics related products, we have prepared a list of the most popular Camera Remote Controls that people are shopping and buying online in India.

Our top 10 Camera Remote Controls list will give you the details, features, specifications, ratings and latest reviews by customers online. The trusted positive reviews by online shoppers and high selling volumes have made these items the most popular. Since these products are high-rated with 4 to 5 Star Ratings, you can be assured of the quality you are buy online. You can buy these products at Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, Paytm Mall, Shopclues and more online shopping websites at best discounts and offers in India. We are here to help you make the smartest buying decision. Click here for the best offers and discounts on Camera Remote Controls at

You can also check out all the latest Camera Remote Controls and best-selling Camera Remote Controls in India right now.

Top 10 Best Selling Camera Remote Controls In India

SaleBestseller No. 1
Remote Control Dual Camera Drone 4K 1080P Obstacle Avoidance 5G WiFi Selfie Gesture RC Drone Brushless Motor 360° Rotate Headless Mode Auto Hover Function
  • ★【4K Adjustable FPV Drone & APP Control】4K 120° manually adjustable lens and a 110° wide-angle lens, the drone provides a broader shooting range and a breathtaking field of view. It allows you to capture every wonderful moment from a bird's-eye perspective, and enables you to enjoy 4K pictures and videos through the APP. By connecting your phone or iPad to the long-distance camera drone, you can enjoy a real-time panoramic view and easily share them on your social media platforms.
  • ★【Multiple Functions to Fit Your Needs】: These include High-Speed Rotation, Circle Fly, 3 Speed Gears , Gesture Control, Headless Mode, One Key Takeoff/Landing, Altitude Hold, 360° Flip (achieved by pressing the right joystick down and selecting the desired direction), Low Battery Warning, and Emergency Stop. With its extensive range of functions and exceptional quality, this drone is suitable for both beginners and skilled players alike.Provides 360-degree obstacle avoidance indoors.
  • ★【Take it Anywhere】 This drone with camera is your ultimate travel buddy! It's so compact and lightweight that you can literally fold it up and fit it in your pocket or backpack. Weight under 188g. Whether you're going on an outdoor adventure or exploring new places, you can easily take this mini drone with you and capture amazing aerial shots wherever you go.
  • ★【Stable Hover & User Friendly】: Equipped with an optical flow positioning camera, the drone has a more stable hover altitude ability, which will bring a nice experience to you, especially for beginners. One-key takeoff/landing function can help users to start flying easily, the altitude hold feature allows the drone to hover in the air.
  • ★【One Key Start/Landing】 Our RC drone features a one-key start/landing button, allowing for easy and hassle-free control, and enabling you to enjoy a one-button flight anytime and anywhere. This makes the sky and nature your ultimate playground.
SaleBestseller No. 2
ZNOWIQZ-Foldable-Toy-Drone-with-HQ-WiFi-Camera-Remote-Control-for-Kids-Quadcopter-with-Gesture-Selfie-Flips-Mode-App-One-Key-Headless-Mode-functionality-Hold (DR4)
  • 【GREAT PRESENT】:If you too are on the search of a nice present, then this OPTICAL FLOW DRONE by is the answer! Foldable WiFi FPV Optical Flow 4-Axis Dual Camera Aerial Drone with Dual Flash Lights Remote Control Drone.
  • 【PACKAGE INCLUSION】: Box Contents - 1 drone, 1 Battery, 1 Remote controller, Propeller Guards, 1 USB cable for charging, 1 User manual, 2 Extra Blades & 1 Screw Driver. Battery Requirements: 3.7V 1200mAh Li for Drone (Included), Three 1.5V 'AA' sized batteries for Remote (Not Included).Made From ABS Plastic Material, 100% Safe for Kids Battery
  • 【DUAL CAMERA'S】: The Drone comes with dual camera with one of its HD Wide Angle Lens can take selfies easily by hand gestures and supports remote control of aerial shooting angle.Easy switching b/w dual cameras.
  • 【FEATURES】: Foldable Design, Wifi App Control, Dual HD Camera, Headless Mode, Altitude Hold, Hover, 360 Flip Stunt, 1 Key Take-Off/Landing, Gesture Selfies, etc. Flying Height: (About 50 - 60 meters) (Primary Camera- 1080P & Secondary Camera- 720P) Flying Time: 20-25 min, Charging Time: 90 Mins. Drone weight: 460 grams
  • 【PACK LIGHT, FLY FREE】:It weighs about as much as an apple and fits in the palm of your hand. Compact and convenient, this small drone is your ideal travel companion, transforming how you capture your favorite memories. Optical Flow Dual Camera Drone with Dual Lights & Powerful motors.
SaleBestseller No. 3
Drone with 1080P Camera for Beginners and Kids, Foldable Remote Control with Voice Control, Gestures Selfie, Altitude Hold, One Key Start, 3D Flips, 2 Batteries, Toy for Boys. (Multicolor)
  • ★【4K Adjustable FPV Drone & APP Control】4K 120° manually adjustable lens and a 110° wide-angle lens, the drone provides a broader shooting range and a breathtaking field of view. It allows you to capture every wonderful moment from a bird's-eye perspective, and enables you to enjoy 4K pictures and videos through the APP. By connecting your phone or iPad to the long-distance camera drone, you can enjoy a real-time panoramic view and easily share them on your social media platforms.
  • ★【Multiple Functions to Fit Your Needs】: These include High-Speed Rotation, Circle Fly, 3 Speed Gears , Gesture Control, Headless Mode, One Key Takeoff/Landing, Altitude Hold, 360° Flip (achieved by pressing the right joystick down and selecting the desired direction), Low Battery Warning, and Emergency Stop. With its extensive range of functions and exceptional quality, this drone is suitable for both beginners and skilled players alike.Provides 360-degree obstacle avoidance indoors
  • ★【Stable Hover & User Friendly】: Equipped with an optical flow positioning camera, the drone has a more stable hover altitude ability, which will bring a nice experience to you, especially for beginners. One-key takeoff/landing function can help users to start flying easily, the altitude hold feature allows the drone to hover in the air.
  • ★【One Key Start/Landing】 Our RC drone features a one-key start/landing button, allowing for easy and hassle-free control, and enabling you to enjoy a one-button flight anytime and anywhere. This makes the sky and nature your ultimate playground.
  • ★【Next Level Fly Performance】Come with 2 intelligent batteries to support 45mins long flight time and 1KM long range. The Drone Motor provides higher speed, higher efficiency and better stability to resist the wind, worry-less in the difficult fly conditions. Drone is lightweight, portable, makes it a perfect drone for adults, travel, aerial photography, outdoor activities.
SaleBestseller No. 4
DHRUSTICK fOlDaBlE-ToY-DrOnE-WiTh-hQ-WiFi-cAmErA-ReMoTe-cOnTrOl-fOr-kIdS-QuAdCoPtEr-wItH-pHoToGrApHy GeStUrE-SeLfIe-fLiPs- HeAdLeSs mOdE bOuNcE-MoDe-aPp-oNe-kEy tAkE-OfFsUpPoRtS/LlaNdInG
  • 【PaCk lIgHt, FlY FrEe】:It wEiGhS AbOuT As mUcH As aN ApPlE AnD FiTs iN ThE PaLm oF YoUr hAnD. cOmPaCt aNd cOnVeNiEnT, tHiS SmAlL DrOnE Is yOuR IdEaL TrAvEl cOmPaNiOn, TrAnSfOrMiNg hOw yOu cApTuRe yOuR FaVoRiTe mEmOrIeS. oPtIcAl fLoW DuAl cAmErA DrOnE WiTh dUaL LiGhTs & pOwErFuL MoToRs.
  • 【FeAtUrEs】: fOlDaBlE DeSiGn, WiFi aPp cOnTrOl, DuAl hD CaMeRa, HeAdLeSs mOdE, aLtItUdE HoLd, HoVeR, 360 fLiP StUnT, 1 kEy tAkE-OfF/LaNdInG, gEsTuRe sElFiEs, EtC. fLyInG HeIgHt: (aBoUt 50 - 60 mEtErS) (PrImArY CaMeRa- 1080P & SeCoNdArY CaMeRa- 720p) FlYiNg tImE: 20-25 mIn, ChArGiNg tImE: 90 MiNs. DrOnE WeIgHt: 460 GrAmS
  • 【DuAl cAmErA'S】: ThE DrOnE CoMeS WiTh dUaL CaMeRa wItH OnE Of iTs hD WiDe aNgLe lEnS CaN TaKe sElFiEs eAsIlY By hAnD GeStUrEs aNd sUpPoRtS ReMoTe cOnTrOl oF AeRiAl sHoOtInG AnGlE.EaSy sWiTcHiNg b/w dUaL CaMeRaS.
  • 【PaCkAgE InClUsIoN】: BoX CoNtEnTs - 1 dRoNe, 1 BaTtErY, 1 rEmOtE CoNtRoLlEr, PrOpElLeR GuArDs, 1 UsB CaBlE FoR ChArGiNg, 1 UsEr mAnUaL, 2 eXtRa bLaDeS & 1 ScReW DrIvEr. BaTtErY ReQuIrEmEnTs: 3.7v 1200mAh lI FoR DrOnE (iNcLuDeD), ThReE 1.5v 'Aa' SiZeD BaTtErIeS FoR ReMoTe (NoT InClUdEd).MaDe fRoM AbS PlAsTiC MaTeRiAl, 100% sAfE FoR KiDs bAtTeRy
  • 【GrEaT PrEsEnT】:iF YoU ToO ArE On tHe sEaRcH Of a nIcE PrEsEnT, tHeN ThIs oPtIcAl fLoW DrOnE By dHrUsTiCk iS ThE AnSwEr! FoLdAbLe wIfI FpV OpTiCaL FlOw 4-aXiS DuAl cAmErA AeRiAl dRoNe wItH DuAl fLaSh lIgHtS ReMoTe cOnTrOl dRoNe.
SaleBestseller No. 5
DHRUSTICK fOlDaBlE-ToY-DrOnE-WiTh-hQ-WwiFi-cAmErA-ReMoTe-cOnTrOl-fOr-kIdS-QuAdCoPtEr-wItH-pHoToGrApHy GeStUrE-SeLfIe-fLiPs- HeAdLeSs mOdE bOuNcE-MoDe-aPp-oNe-kEy tAkE-OfFsUpPoRtS/LaNdInG
  • 【PaCk lIgHt, FlY FrEe】:It wEiGhS AbOuT As mUcH As aN ApPlE AnD FiTs iN ThE PaLm oF YoUr hAnD. cOmPaCt aNd cOnVeNiEnT, tHiS SmAlL DrOnE Is yOuR IdEaL TrAvEl cOmPaNiOn, TrAnSfOrMiNg hOw yOu cApTuRe yOuR FaVoRiTe mEmOrIeS. oPtIcAl fLoW DuAl cAmErA DrOnE WiTh dUaL LiGhTs & pOwErFuL MoToRs.
  • 【FeAtUrEs】: fOlDaBlE DeSiGn, WiFi aPp cOnTrOl, DuAl hD CaMeRa, HeAdLeSs mOdE, aLtItUdE HoLd, HoVeR, 360 fLiP StUnT, 1 kEy tAkE-OfF/LaNdInG, gEsTuRe sElFiEs, EtC. fLyInG HeIgHt: (aBoUt 50 - 60 mEtErS) (PrImArY CaMeRa- 1080P & SeCoNdArY CaMeRa- 720p) FlYiNg tImE: 20-25 mIn, ChArGiNg tImE: 90 MiNs. DrOnE WeIgHt: 460 GrAmS
  • 【DuAl cAmErA'S】: ThE DrOnE CoMeS WiTh dUaL CaMeRa wItH OnE Of iTs hD WiDe aNgLe lEnS CaN TaKe sElFiEs eAsIlY By hAnD GeStUrEs aNd sUpPoRtS ReMoTe cOnTrOl oF AeRiAl sHoOtInG AnGlE.EaSy sWiTcHiNg b/w dUaL CaMeRaS.
  • 【PaCkAgE InClUsIoN】: BoX CoNtEnTs - 1 dRoNe, 1 BaTtErY, 1 rEmOtE CoNtRoLlEr, PrOpElLeR GuArDs, 1 UsB CaBlE FoR ChArGiNg, 1 UsEr mAnUaL, 2 eXtRa bLaDeS & 1 ScReW DrIvEr. BaTtErY ReQuIrEmEnTs: 3.7v 1200mAh lI FoR DrOnE (iNcLuDeD), ThReE 1.5v 'Aa' SiZeD BaTtErIeS FoR ReMoTe (NoT InClUdEd).MaDe fRoM AbS PlAsTiC MaTeRiAl, 100% sAfE FoR KiDs bAtTeRy 【PaCkAgE InClUsIoN】: BoX CoNtEnTs - 1 dRoNe, 1 BaTtErY, 1 rEmOtE CoNtRoLlEr, PrOpElLeR GuArDs, 1 UsB CaBlE FoR ChArGiNg, 1 UsEr mAnUaL, 2 eXtRa bLaDeS & 1 ScReW DrIvEr. BaTtErY ReQuIrEmEnTs: 3.7v 1200mAh lI FoR DrOnE (iNcLuDeD), ThReE 1.5v 'Aa' SiZeD BaTtErIeS FoR ReMoTe (NoT InClUdEd).MaDe fRoM AbS PlAsTiC MaTeRiAl, 100% sAfE FoR KiDs bAtTeRy
  • 【GrEaT PrEsEnT】:iF YoU ToO ArE On tHe sEaRcH Of a nIcE PrEsEnT, tHeN ThIs oPtIcAl fLoW DrOnE By dHrUsTiCk iS ThE AnSwEr! FoLdAbLe wIfI FpV OpTiCaL FlOw 4-aXiS DuAl cAmErA AeRiAl dRoNe wItH DuAl fLaSh lIgHtS ReMoTe cOnTrOl dRoNe.
SaleBestseller No. 6
HILLSTAR Foldable Remote Control Drone with Camera HD Wide Angle Lens Optical Flow Positioning with 1800Mah Battery WiFi FPV 4-Axis Camera with Dual Flash Lights (MultiColor)
  • [3D Flip & Premium Features] Wanna try the coolest trick in the sky? Our FPV drone features in 3D Flip! It can roll over to forward/backward/left and right. (Note: 3D Flip feature will consume more battery power than normal flight)
  • [Easy to use] This drone has basic functions such as - one-key take-off, one-key landing, lift, front and rear, left and right side flying, steering, headless mode, intelligent hovering, multi-speed speed control, etc. Scholars can also easily grasp. Flying Height: (About 100 - 120 meters) (Camera Clarity- 5 Mega Pixels), Drone Weight: 100 Grams, Flying Time: 7-9 min, Charging Time: 60 Mins.
  • [Great Present] If you too are on the search of a nice present, then this CAMERA DRONE is the answer! Foldable WiFi FPV Visual Hovering 4-Axis Dual Camera Aerial Drone with Dual Flash Lights Remote Control Drone.
  • [Foldable Design] The drone adopts a foldable design, the folded size is 20x13x7cm, and the unfolded size is 45x38x7cm, which is easy to carry.
  • [Foldable Arm Design] Designed to be portable, the quadcopter features a foldable arm design, allowing for carrying anywhere on the go. Note: The Drone is only meant for recreational and educational purpose, please consider this as a toy drone, please don't expect too much from it. The drone has height set feature not position hold, kindly have a note.
SaleBestseller No. 7
TR Tinsrom Foldable-Toy-Drone-with-HQ-WiFi-Camera-Remote-Control-for-Kids-Quadcopter-with-Gesture-Selfie-Flips-Mode-App-One-Key 4k drone
  • 【PACK LIGHT, FLY FREE】:It weighs about as much as an apple and fits in the palm of your hand. Compact and convenient, this small drone is your ideal travel companion, transforming how you capture your favorite memories. Optical Flow Dual Camera Drone with Dual Lights & Powerful motors.
  • 【FEATURES】: Foldable Design, Wifi App Control, Dual HD Camera, Headless Mode, Altitude Hold, Hover, 360 Flip Stunt, 1 Key Take-Off/Landing, Gesture Selfies, etc. Flying Height: (About 50 - 60 meters) (Primary Camera- 1080P & Secondary Camera- 720P) Flying Time: 20-25 min, Charging Time: 90 Mins. Drone weight: 460 grams
  • 【DUAL CAMERA'S】: The Drone comes with dual camera with one of its HD Wide Angle Lens can take selfies easily by hand gestures and supports remote control of aerial shooting angle.Easy switching b/w dual cameras.
  • 【PACKAGE INCLUSION】: Box Contents - 1 drone, 1 Battery, 1 Remote controller, Propeller Guards, 1 USB cable for charging, 1 User manual, 2 Extra Blades & 1 Screw Driver. Battery Requirements: 3.7V 1200mAh Li for Drone (Included), Three 1.5V 'AA' sized batteries for Remote (Not Included).Made From ABS Plastic Material, 100% Safe for Kids Battery
  • 【GREAT PRESENT】:If you too are on the search of a nice present, then this OPTICAL FLOW DRONE by DHRUSTICK is the answer! Foldable WiFi FPV Optical Flow 4-Axis Dual Camera Aerial Drone with Dual Flash Lights Remote Control Drone.
SaleBestseller No. 8
wInTaRiYa-dRoNe wItH hD DuAl cAmErA BrUsHlEsS MoToR, oNe cLiCk tAkEoFf/lAnDiNg FlIp rOlLiNg gEsTuRe cOnTrOl wI-Fi cAmErA ReMoTe cOnTrOl -X DrOnE, 1 x rEmOtE CoNtRoL TrAnSmItTeR, 1 x bOdY BaTtErY, 1
  • ★【eNhAnCe yOuR AeRiAl eXpErIeNcE】EqUiPpEd wItH DuAl 1080p hD CaMeRaS ThAt cAn bE AdJuStEd wItHiN 90°, tHiS DrOnE OfFeRs a vArIeTy oF AnGlEs fOr cApTuRiNg sTuNnInG PhOtOs aNd vIdEoS. mEaNwHiLe, WiTh aDvAnCeD FpV ReAl-tImE TrAnSmIsSiOn tEcH, yOu cAn eNjOy rEaL-TiMe iMaGeS ThRoUgH ApP FoR BeAuTiFuL ScEnErY.
  • ★【iNtElLiGeNt oBsTaClE AvOiDaNcE AnD Vr 3D ExPeRiEnCe】eXpErIeNcE InTeLlIgEnT 360° oBsTaClE AvOiDaNcE TeChNoLoGy, WhIcH AuToMaTiCaLlY DeTeCtS AnD AvOiDs oBsTaClEs, EnSuRiNg a sAfE AnD WoRrY-FrEe fLiGhT. wItH Vr gLaSsEs aNd tHe dEdIcAtEd mObIlE ApP, yOu cAn eNjOy aN ImMeRsIvE 3d eXpErIeNcE FrOm a uNiQuE PeRsPeCtIvE. tHe cOoL LeD LiGhTs aDd a 𝗍𝗈𝗎𝖼𝗁 Of sPeCtAcLe tO YoUr fLiGhTs, EsPeCiAlLy dUrInG NiGhTtImE OpErAtIoNs.
  • ★【mUlTiPlE FlIgHt mOdEs aNd dEsIgNeD FoR BeGiNnEr】tHiS DrOnE OfFeRs vArIoUs fLiGhT MoDeS AnD StUnTs tO EnHaNcE YoUr fLyInG ExPeRiEnCe. PeRfOrM 360° aNd dRaW FlIgHt pAtHs oN YoUr pHoNe tHrOuGh tHe tRaJeCtOrY FlIgHt fEaTuRe, AlLoWiNg fOr cReAtIvE AnD ExCiTiNg fLiGhTs.
  • ★【eAsY OpErAtIoN AnD HoVeR StAbIlItY】JuSt 𝗈𝗇𝖾 KeY Is aLl iT TaKeS To tAkE OfF AnD To lAnD ThE DrOnE, kEeP It 𝗌𝗂𝗆𝗉𝗅𝖾 To cOnTrOl fOr eVeN BeGiNnErS. oThEr fUnCtIoNs, LiKe hEaDlEsS MoDe, SpEeD AdJuStMeNt fUnCtIoNs, AlTiTuDe hOlD MoDe, HaNd gEsTuRe pHoTo/vIdEo. BeSt cHoIcE WiTh eNoUgH 𝖿𝗎𝗇 fOr bEgInNeRs.
  • ★【lOnG BaTtErY LiFe aNd mAtErIaLs】wItH A 3.7v 1800mAh lIpO BaTtErY, tHe dRoNe pRoViDeS A FlYiNg tImE Of 20-25 mInUtEs oN A SiNgLe cHaRgE. tHe dUrAbLe pLaStIc, MeTaL, aNd eLeCtRoNiC CoMpOnEnTs eNsUrE A LoNg lIfEsPaN FoR ThE DrOnE, aLlOwInG FoR CoUnTlEsS HoUrS Of aErIaL AdVeNtUrEs, YoU CaN TaKe iT AnYwHeRe yOu lIkE.
SaleBestseller No. 9
KMJSA V04 Camera Remote Shutter for Smartphones, KMJSA Wireless Camera Remote Control Compatible with iPhone/Android Cell Phone - Create Amazing Photos and Selfies
  • 【OPTIMUM CONVENIENCE】- No longer necessary to be near your cellphone when you take a photo. With this handy remote camera trigger, you can now snap fabulous photos elegantly from the right angle and perfect distance you want!
  • 【WIRELESS CONTROL】- Just by pushing the button on the remote, you are able to capture awesome photos and videos even from up to 30 feet (10m) away. Perfect for selfies & group photos & tricky shot from a distance!
  • 【EASY TO USE】- 1. Quick pairing via Bluetooth in seconds, no app download necessary for most mobile devices. 2. Works for video recording as well (not just photos). 3. Supports social media apps like Snapchat/Facebook/Instagram, other apps may not supported.
  • 【MODERN DESIGN】- Upgraded with modern looking & Made of stronger material, this pocket-sized remote shutter easily handles the wear and tear of everyday explorations, durable enough for a life on the go.
  • 【UNIVERSAL COMPATIBILITY】- Compatible with iPhone X, 8, 8 Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 6, 6 Plus, 5, 5S, 5C, 4, 4S; iPad 2, 3, 4, Mini, Mini 2, Air, Pro; Samsung Galaxy S9, S8, S7, S7 Edge, S6, S6 Edge, S5, S4, S4 Mini, S5, S5 Mini, Note 2, Note 3 Note 5 Note 8; and more.
Bestseller No. 10
Amitasha Remote Control Dual Camera Drone 4K WiFi FPV 1080P Brushless Motor Foldable Drone with Auto Return, Altitude Hold, Headless Mode, Gesture Control, 360° Flip, Trajectory Flight
  • ADVANCE FUNCTION: 4K Adjustable Camera, GPS Location, 90 Wide Angle Lens, Auto Follow Me Function, Panoramic Shooting, Selfie Gesture Mode, GPS Positioning, Trajectory Flight, Double Shot, Dual Battery Power, Portable Carry Bag, Tap Fly, Foldable Body, Wifi Connectivity, App Control, 360 Flip Action, Emergency Landing, Video Control, Fixed Height, Light Flow, Phone Control Trajectory Flight Path, One Key Take off & Landing, Headless Mode etc
  • 【Strong Brushless Motors & Upgraded Battery】Durable alloy brushless motors feature strong wind resistance, providing faster, quieter, and more powerful flight. Equipped with upgraded battery,let your drone traveling in the sky freely.
  • 【120°Wide-Angle 1080p HD Drone Camera】The HD front camera switchable, enabling you to have both wonderful real-time images from the sky and the terrain situation under the aircraft. You can capture 120°Wide-angle 1080P HD photo and video at the location you want.
  • Drone Battery: 2 x 3.7V 600mAh Li-Po Battery (Included) ; Remote Controller Battery: 3x1.5V AA Battery (Not Included); Camera: Yes (Camera), Flying Height: 70-75 Mtrs, Flying Time: 12-14 Min, Charging Time: 60 Min, Weight: 450 Gm
  • Control Channels: 4 , Controller Mode: 2 , Motor: Brushless Motor , Plugs Type: Usb Line , Remote Distance: 80 Meters , Camera : 4K / 1080P / 90 Degree Wide Angel / Wifi Connectivity

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